Rally for Retail – Support your Small Business Retailers!

How You Can Help:
Rally for Retail is a project aimed at helping small business retailers throughout New England during this crisis. Many of you have asked how you can help small businesses in your town. Please consider purchasing a gift card at your favorite retailers. Many of these stores are fixtures in your community, they donate to class trips, school fundraisers, and countless silent auctions items to local nonprofits. These businesses are woven into the fabric of your community. Retail stores, like restaurants, provide employment to young people in our community.
Let’s help assure that these stores are able to open again. Please join our movement to help out these businesses and the limited number of employees they are able to keep at this point.
What To-do Next:
Find yours or anyone’s favorite boutique!
Buy a gift card or a few!
Screenshot or take a picture of your gift card and post on any social media platform tagging @rallyforretail @island.outfitters @breakwatersurf
Nominate a friend to encourage others to follow your lead!
Some smaller retailers do not have active websites that provide gift cards, but we have provided you with a contact for each location so give them a shout! They would love to hear from you!
Contact Rally for Retail:
If you would like to be a part of our project, please reach out! We would love to help! Right now, we are focusing on New England and summer destinations within the area, as we wanted to get the site live as soon as possible, but we are actively looking to cover more areas affected.
Please email Sofie at info@rallyforretail.com or call 334-399-3077. I look forward to speaking to all of you.
Check Out A List of Retailers Below:
Newport, RI
Island Outfitters | maradyth@islandoutfitters.com
Holebrook USA | holebrookusa@gmail.com
Team One Newport | 401-848-0884
Patagonia on Thames | 401-845-2196
Kristen Coates Gallery | hello@kristencoates.net
Lemon and Line | help@lemonandline.com
Island Pursuit | 401-851-8901
Harper and Tucker | 401-236-2623
Groovy Gator | 401-845-0084
Groovy Gator Kids | groovygator@gmail.com
Groove Newport. | groovenewport@gmail.com
Bohemian Bias | 401-619-2089
Anchored in Pink | anchoredinpink@gmail.com
Bellevue Kids | BellevueKidsNPT@gmail.com
Michael Hayes | 401-846-3090
Kristina Richards | 401-848-5284
Hooley USA | 401-849-8623
E.Frances Paper | pippi@efrancespaper.com
Shore Soap Co. | 401-846-0305
Eileen Graphics | eileenkorney@gmail.com
IMSY Swimwear | 302-537-1444
Pink Pineapple | 401-849-8181
Monelle | 4 01-847-9151
Kiel James Patrick | CustomerService@KielJamesPatrick.com
Style Newport | info@stylenewport.com
Created Purpose Tiverton, RI | createdpurposeri@gmail.com
Grenon’s of Newport | nicewatch@aol.com
Primavera | primaveranewportjewelry@gmail.com
Port of Paws | portofpaws@gmail.com
Crafty One Custom | craftyonecustoms@gmail.com
Wish | shopwishnewport@gmail.com
Re-sails | 401-849- 8623
Stalise Portsmouth, RI. | 401-293-5445
Bite Me Live Bait | nancysperoni@cox.net
Big Weather Gear/Helly | 401-849-6666
Marc Allen | marc@marcalleninc.com
The Green Onion Block Island | 401- 466-5161
Coastal 41 | valerieawilliams@cox.net
Fuller Gallery Jamestown, RI | tory@art02835.com